Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Back at it - SHT - Oberg Mtn to Rollins Creek Camp

2020 saw a lot of changes including my return to hiking in a big way.  Due to COVID-19 my usual fitness activities of teaching Zumba classes dwindled down a bit so as an alternative I have been spending a lot more time outside either solo hiking/backpacking or doing shorter hikes with the family.  

My first trip back on the Superior Hiking Trail in probably 8 years was in June 2020 and was a relatively quick solo hike from Oberg Mountain Trailhead north about 3 or 4 miles (somewhere after Rollins Creek Camp) and back.

It was a beautiful warm day and my pace seemed fairly quick given I wasn't carrying much besides water.  

I am uncertain at which point I turned around but it was shortly after spooking a grouse who started coming at me and it seriously wouldn't quit.  Most likely the trail was too close to her nest and she growled at me like a dog and refused to stop for at least a minute (maybe two?) with me keeping her away with my walking stick.  

At one point I did trip and fall down; had it been something more serious I'd probably be a goner.  😅Shortly after I encountered a couple of female backpackers and I warned them and at which point the grouse turned and attacked them too.  They screamed then soon later were like "oh its only a bird!".  

Soon after being humiliated it ceased the attack and everything was fine.  

Having had enough for the day I decided to turn around.   And at the end of the trail back at the parking area I encountered this cute turtle.