Sunday, August 8, 2010

Forestville/Mystery Cave

Location:  6 miles south of Wykoff. Entrance to the park is 4 miles south of State Highway 16 on Fillmore County Highway 5, then 2 miles east on Fillmore County 118
Miles: 1 to 12 miles
Surface: Dirt
Terrian: Flat with hilly areas
Uses: Hiking, snowshoeing, horseback riding
Website:  MN DNR - Forestville/Mystery Cave
Ticks:  Never had a problem with ticks here but it's safe to assume there are some in grassy areas May- July
Mosquitoes:  Low

This is a pretty park with a nice mix of forests, meadows and streams.  There are also some neat historic structures from around 1899 in the northern section of the park.  There are plenty of miles of trails here to keep you busy for a full day if you desire. 

According to the MN DNR this park has the highest horse back riding trail usage of any park in the state.

Morel mushrooms can definitely be found here in abundance if you come at the appropriate time and have some luck.

Note:  You cannot drive into the park from the north, you must enter from the west entrance.  You can park on the northside by historic Forestville and walk in if you desire, or hike along the trails on the north side of the park.  The trails on the north side are frequented by horse back riders however.

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